- Kieffer, Jean; Page, Aurel; Robert, Damien:
Computing isogenies from modular equations in genus two.
Journal of Algebra 666, 2025, pp. 331–386. - Sikirić, Mathieu Dutour; van Woerden, Wessel:
Complete classification of six-dimensional iso-edge domains.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 81 (1), 2025, pp. 9–15.
- Basso, Andreas; De Feo, Luca; Dartois, Pierrick; Leroux, Antonin; Maino, Luciano; Pope, Giacomo; Robert, Damien; Wesolowski, Benjamin:
SQIsign2D-West: The Fast, the Small, and the Safer.
In: Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2024, Part III.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 15486.
Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025, pp. 339–370. - Dartois, Pierrick; Maino, Luciano; Pope, Giacomo; Robert, Damien:
An Algorithmic Approach to (2, 2)-isogenies in the Theta Model and Applications to Isogeny-based Cryptography.
In: Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2024, Part III.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 15486.
Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025, pp. 304–338. - van Woerden, Wessel:
Dense and Smooth Lattices in Any Genus.
In: Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2024, Part IV.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 15487.
Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025, pp. 386–417.
- Adamczewski, Boris; Bostan, Alin; Caruso, Xavier:
A sharper multivariate Christol's theorem with applications to diagonals and Hadamard products.
HAL 4116793, 2025. - Ahlbäck, Albin; Johansson, Fredrik:
Fast basecases for arbitrary-size multiplication.
HAL 4861755, 2025. - Allombert, Bill; Biasse, Jean-François; Eriksen, Jonathan Komada; Kutas, Péter; Leonardi, Chris; Page, Aurel; Scheidler, Renate; Tot Bagi, Marton:
PEARL-SCALLOP: Parameter Extension Applicable in Real Life for SCALLOP.
HAL 4755827, 2025. - Allombert, Bill; Mayer, Daniel:
Cyclic cubic number fields with harmonically balanced capitulation.
HAL 4324884, 2025. - Asuncion, Jared:
Computing the Hilbert Class Fields of Quartic CM Fields Using Complex Multiplication.
HAL 3210279, 2025. - Barbulescu, Razvan:
(Non)practicabilité de l'algorithme classique-quantique de factorisation des entiers.
HAL 3483274, 2025. - Barbulescu, Razvan; Barcau, Mugurel; Pasol, Vicentiu:
A comprehensive analysis of Regev's quantum algorithm.
HAL 4833072, 2025. - Barbulescu, Razvan; El Mrabet, Nadia; Ghammam, Loubna:
A taxonomy of pairings, their security, their complexity.
HAL 2129868, 2025. - Berardini, Elena; Dastbasteh, Reza; Martinez, Josu Etxezarreta; Jain, Shreyas; Larrarte, Olatz Sanz:
Asymptotically good CSS-T codes exist.
HAL 4834836, 2025. - Berardini, Elena; Maidana, Alejandro Giangreco; Marseglia, Stefano:
Abelian surfaces over finite fields containing no curves of genus 3 or less.
HAL 4692637, 2025. - Belabas, Karim; Perrin-Riou, Bernadette:
Symboles modulaires surconvergents et fonctions $L$ $p$-adiques.
HAL 3112844, 2025. - Caruso, Xavier; Gazda, Quentin:
Computation of classical and v-adic L-series of t-motives.
HAL 4410981, 2025.
ANTS-XVI. - Caruso, Xavier; Gazda, Quentin; Lucas, Alexis:
Wieferich primes for Drinfeld modules.
HAL 4837662, 2025. - Caruso, Xavier; Leudière, Antoine:
Algorithms for computing norms and characteristic polynomials on general Drinfeld modules.
HAL 4151171, 2025.
To appear in Mathematics of Computation. - Couveignes, Jean-Marc; Gasnier, Jean:
Explicit Riemann-Roch spaces in the Hilbert class field.
HAL 4219975, 2025.
To appear in proceedings of AGCT2023 (Contemporary Mathematics). - Dartois, Pierrick:
Fast computation of 2-isogenies in dimension 4 and cryptographic applications.
HAL 4662137, 2025. - Eid, Élie:
Computing isogenies between Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves of arbitrary genus via differential equations.
HAL 3142205, 2025. - Enge, Andreas; Streng, Marco:
Schertz style class invariants for quartic CM fields.
HAL 1377376, 2025. - Étienne, Fabrice:
Computing class groups by induction with generalised norm relations.
HAL 4778100, 2025. - Gasnier, Jean; Guillevic, Aurore:
An Algebraic Point of View on the Generation of Pairing-Friendly Curves.
HAL 4205681, 2025. - Kunzweiler, Sabrina; Maino, Luciano; Moriya, Tomoki; Petit, Christophe; Pope, Giacomo; Robert, Damien; Stopar, Miha; Ti, Yan Bo:
Radical 2-isogenies and cryptographic hash functions in dimensions 1, 2 and 3.
HAL 4837057, 2025. - Lubicz, David; Robert, Damien:
Linear representation of endomorphisms of Kummer varieties.
HAL 3204365, 2025. - Mayer, Daniel C.; Aouissi, Siham; Allombert, Bill; Soullami, Abderazak:
Group theory of cyclic cubic number fields.
HAL 4930854, 2025. - Maiga, Abdoulaye; Robert, Damien:
Computing the Canonical Lift of Genus 2 Curves in Odd Characteristics.
HAL 3738314, 2025. - Maiga, Abdoulaye; Robert, Damien:
Towards computing canonical lifts of ordinary elliptic curves in medium characteristic.
HAL 3702658, 2025. - Page, Aurel; Robert, Damien:
Introducing Clapoti(s): Evaluating the isogeny class group action in polynomial time.
HAL 4327451, 2025. - Robert, Damien:
Some applications of higher dimensional isogenies to elliptic curves.
HAL 3943973, 2025. - Robert, Damien:
The geometric interpretation of the Tate pairing and its applications.
HAL 4295743, 2025. - Robert, Damien:
On the efficient representation of isogenies.
In Dąbrowski, Andrzej; Pieprzyk, Josef; Pomykała, Jacek (editors):
Number-Theoretic Methods in Cryptology – NuTMiC 2024.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 14966.
Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025.
To appear in March 2025. - Robert, Damien; Sarkis, Nicolas:
Halving differential additions on Kummer lines.
HAL 4724019, 2025.
To appear in EUROCRYPT 2025. - Stempfle, Lena; James, Arthur; Josse, Julie; Gauss, Tobias; Johansson, Fredrik:
Expert Study on Interpretable Machine Learning Models with Missing Data.
HAL 4894332, 2025.